Beneficial compost

Benefits of compost for you plants health.

Compost is most well-known for its contribution to healthy and resilient plant growth. Amongst its benefits to plant growth are its balances soil density, adds, retains nutrients, discourages disease, pests and weeds. By adding compost to your mix before you plant helps to ensure the right balance of nutrients needed for plants to grow healthier.


We wont be able to determine the density of the soil all the time after planting and after watering soil tends to be more dens and compact, so how do we keep it loose? compost helps to do just that, it ensures that your soil is loose and roots are able to spread out more freely. This will also ensure that your plants develop healthier roots.

Compost also helps to provide the soil the ability to retain nutrients and deliver it to the plant. This is done by increasing the soil’s cation exchange capacity (CEC) and then it delivers needed food for the plants in the form of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Besides the ability to retain nutrients, it also acts like a sponge and retains water and balance PH levels so that your plant will have the much needed moisture to grow. These all natural product helps to keep the balance and provide the right amount of nutrients that your plant need to grow healthy, ultimately suppressing harmful pest and bugs acting like a natural pesticide.

Finally the best part is that its all natural and you can save money by producing it on your own with these simple 4 steps.

4 Simple steps to make your own compost.

Step 1: Combine Green and Brown Materials

Gather dry leaves, plants, animal manure, old cardboard boxes, news paper, coffee grind and kitchen scraps. into one section of your garden, this is going to be your foundation of your compose. If your compose becomes wet and smelly add more brown items.Compost Mix 

Step 2: Water Your Pile

Keep your compose damp by sprinkle water over the pile regularly so it has the consistency of a damp sponge. Don't add too much water, otherwise, the microorganisms in your pile will become waterlogged and drown. If this happens, your pile will rot instead of compost.

Compost pile

Step 3: Stir Up Your Pile

Use a garden fork and stir it once every 3 to 4 day or when you do your gardening, this is a good for workout at the same time helps aerate the compost.

Stir compost regular

Step 4: Feed Your Garden

After several weeks and when the compost no longer gives off heat and becomes dry, brown, and crumbly, it's fully cooked and ready to feed to the garden. Add about 4 to 6 inches of compost to your flower beds and into your pots at the beginning of each planting season.

Compost feeding


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