how to match pots to your plants

How to match pots with your plants?

Once you understand the basic rules of thumb, such as size, material, and drainage requirements, choosing the proper pot for your plant can be a simple procedure.

Terracotta pot

However, choosing a pot that complements your plant and fits well with the rest of your decoration can be difficult. The visual qualities of the plants and pots must be matched. Furthermore, the plant and pot combination must complement your home.

Right side pot

Even if you have the most gorgeous plant, if you put it in a pot that doesn't highlight it, it will feel out of placed.

Pot hightlight

Consider it this way: choosing a pot for your plant is similar to deciding what to wear. Some people look excellent in vibrant colours, while others look best in dark. Different tie colours seem particularly well on people with dark hair or a darker complexion; certain tie colours look particularly good on people with dark hair or a darker complexion.

The size matters

Plants are the same way; not every pot suits every plant, when choosing a container for your plant you need to study the area where your plant will be place in your home so that you can also plan the colour to match its location. We have a variety of pots that you may find suitable, you'll be able to browse at the comfort of your home the variety of colours and sizes, hopefully you will be able to find what you're looking for in our pots and accessories section.

Black or white pot


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