keeping your houseplants healthy

Keeping your houseplants healthy.

When a houseplant appears to be unhealthy, it is almost always due to poor maintenance. Many plant problems can be caused by factors such as too much or too little water, light, heat, or fertiliser. In certain circumstances, though, the issue is caused by an insect infestation.

Houseplants are eaten by a variety of insects and other pests. These pests are most commonly brought into the house on newly purchased plants or those that have spent the summer outside.

The most effective technique to control insects and other pests on houseplants is through prevention, as it is nearly always easier to prevent a pest infestation than it is to eliminate one. Several actions can be done to reduce the likelihood of dealing with a pest infestation of most houseplants.

Tips to keep your houseplants healthy.

Give a plant the growing environment it need so that it can grow more vigorously. Plants that are stressed are more vulnerable to pests.
inspect plants

Always inspect a plant and its container for bugs before purchasing or bringing it home.

Keeping plants outdoor
Pests may have crawled in via the drainage holes of a plant that has been outside for the summer, especially if it is sitting on the ground. Take the plant out of the pot first to inspect the soil. The majority of pests are found on the rootball's exterior.
Isolate New Plants

Isolate new plants from existing plants for six weeks to guarantee that any insect brought in is less likely to spread. While the plants are isolated, carefully inspect them on a weekly basis for signs of pests or damage. Pay special attention to the undersides of leaves, as this is where pests are most commonly located. A 10X magnifying lens will help you see little pests as well as immature pest stages. When infestations are detected early, they are frequently considerably easier to control.

Repotting plants

When repotting a plant, use commercially prepared potting soil rather than outside soil, which might harbour pests.

Wipe leaves with cloth

Washing smooth-leaved plants every two to three weeks discourages pest infestations while also improving foliage appearance. Inverting small plants and swishing the leaf in a bucket of tepid (lukewarm) water is an option. Cover soil with aluminium foil or plastic wrap to prevent soil loss. Large plants can be gently hosed off, or the upper and bottom surfaces of the leaves can be wiped down with a soft, moist cloth. Large plants can be rinsed in a tepid shower as well.

Garden flowers

Keep cut flowers from the garden separate from houseplants since they can attract pests.

Keep doors and windows close fitted
Finally Pests of houseplants can enter homes from the outside, so make sure screens and doors fit properly.
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